Using Adobe Express & Adobe illustrator

  Deasia Craig

VDCMA 230 (Computer Graphics)


December 4th, 2023

Blog 3

Location: Baltimore, MD

   When the class was assigned Project 3, which was an infographic about the disease we chose, I

selected Breast Cancer. With that, we had to create our anatomical drawing showcasing the organs

affected by our chosen disease. The first image I used was crafted using Adobe Express, where I

created. A collage of three elements in the same way I did for the Afrofuturism project. Utilizing the

text-to- image feature, I brought my envisioned concept to life. For the initial image, I instructed the AI

to find.artwork depicting a woman as a breast cancer patient in a hospital. For the second image, I

requested images of balloons, and for the last picture, I asked for breast cancer ribbons. I merged all the

images by removing the background from the balloons, copying and pasting the ribbons throughout, and

eliminating the background of the lady. This process erased the hospital setting, allowing me to position

the balloons behind the lady using the forward layer tool, and I used the ribbons to encircle the cancer.

patient. The first picture below is the final product created with Adobe Express. Next, I employed

Adobe.  Express text-to-image again to obtain my actual anatomical drawing. I believe I requested a

female figure to capture the desired image. I then transferred it to Illustrator to remove the white

background. Although the background of the female figure was initially removed in Adobe Express, I

had to eliminate the white background downloaded with Adobe Express. With Illustrator, I was left

with the figure, devoid of any background, representing the anatomical drawing of a woman used to

symbolize Breast Cancer. 

The second picture is how it looked before putting it in illustrator.


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